Decision Making
Decisions of the CPNCA are reached by consensus. Failure to reach a consensus, the Ministère de l’Éducation (ME) and the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) may exercise a casting vote, depending on the matter being debated.
The matters on which each party may exercise a casting vote are as follows:
- the responsibility conferred on the Minister of Education to define educational policies and to be the instrument by which the State allocates public resources (large-budget items, number of students per group, workload parameters, professional development budget, salaries, etc.);
- the responsibility conferred on school boards to organize and develop educational services that are in their students’ best interests, while ensuring an efficient and sound management of their resources.
The QESBA has a casting vote with regard to:
- matters defined as being the subject of local arrangements;
- addition of a matter defined as being the subject of local negotiations or arrangements;
- staffing;
- personnel management;
- organization of work;
- exercise of union rights;
- movement of personnel;
- implementation of collective agreements.
The Conseil du trésor approves:
- the bargaining mandates of the CPNCA and ensures follow-up of negotiations conducted by the committee.